
About Kiran Sheth

Let's Get Social

My Companies

Liberate and Educate

Our Mission


Our mission at ClickFunnels is to help liberate (through our software) and educate (through our training) entrepreneurs so they can go back to changing the lives of the people that they’ve been called to serve.

We also help two charities that we love that fit into that same mission.

The first is Operation Underground Railroad, who help to liberate kids from sex slavery. The second is Village Impact that help to educate kids who wouldn’t get education on their own.

Please learn more about this important charities and how you can get involved!


O.U.R rescues children from sex slavery and arrests child traffickers around the world.


O.U.R rescues children from sex slavery and arrests child traffickers around the world.


“Just 10 minutes each day inside this free challenge can help to save the life of a child today…”

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